Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Brechtian Techniques

Bertold Brecht (1898 – 1956) founded the so-called new, or â€Å"epic theatre† that creatively reworked the principles of traditional â€Å"Aristotelian† drama, in order for the plays to correspond to modern demands. Brecht characterised his position in dramatic art as social-critical. He was an active antifascist and thus centered his works on major historical events and gave them a social-political meaning. From the formal point of view, Brechtian techniques were based on defamilirisation of the event. First and foremost, he transposed the event into third person.He uses new concept of author’s time, i. e. time as it is perceived by the narrator of the play. The latter usually tells about the events that happened in the past and comments them. In doing so, he freely operates various layers of time, so that the whimsical structure of the story reminds that of a recollection or a dream. Finally, an important element of Brechtian drama is its increased conv ention, for instance the action can be interrupted by speaking stage directions aloud and or via usage of placards and signs.The drama â€Å"Zoot Suit† (1978) by Luis Valdez’ efficiently uses the Brechtian principles and techniques. Like many of Brecht’s dramas, this work is a passionate social protest that shows the injustice of the society with purely Brechtian didacticism. Valdez wrote this play at the end of â€Å"turbulent seventies†, which in the US were characterised by increased social activity of minorities fighting for their rights, and Mexican Americans were among these.Thus, the playwright addresses the times, when the Mexican American identity was only forming, and yet it was oppressed and discriminated by the police. Valdez implies that the same thing may happen or even happens in his times and protests against it. In this respect his play may be linked with activities of Guerilla theatre, which considered itself to be a cultural revolt agai nst war and a mouthpiece of social protest movements. Valdez’ play also has explicit antiwar and protest connotations, and in accordance with Brecht’s conception, his art serves political purposes.Furthermore, action is presented and commented by the narrator, the fictional El Pachuco, which is the condensed embodiment of Mexican spirit (pachucos were Mexican American youth who emphasized their Mexican identity and wore zoot suits). He converses with the protagonist of the story, Henry Reyna, and in some episodes interferes into action (for instance, he takes the place of Rudy Reyna in an uneven fight with sailors). Moreover, from the very first words Valdez emphasizes Brechtian convention. For instance, the drop curtain is â€Å"giant facsimile of a newspaper front page† (1, 1992).Besides in his first monologue EL Pachuco says that he is an actor who plays El Pachuco and recollects this myth. This indicates another Brechtian technique. The narrated action takes place in the past. The setting, as described by the author, emphasizes that the age of zoot suits is in the past: â€Å"The somber shapes and outlines of pachuco images hang subtly, black on black, against a back-ground of heavy fabric evoking memories and feelings like an old suit hanging forgotten in the depths of a closet somewhere, sometime† (1, 1992).At the same time, in the end El Pachuco says that this legend still lives and is topical, for at least he is interested in telling it. However, this is not the objective past time of Aristotelian drama, but rather narrator’s individual perception. El Pachuco can retard action by making the judge repeat for the second time that â€Å"zoot haircuts will be retained throughout the trial for purposes of identification† (ibid). He also uses sudden retrospections, for example when Henry mentions Saturday night dance, El Pachuco snaps fingers and makes this event repeat.In another instant, he skips witness’ st atement, saying â€Å"You know what. We've already heard from that bato. Let's get on with the defense† (1, 1992). Besides the conventionality is emphasized by various other interruptions of action. An interesting example of this is when the arrested pachucos stand in a line, the Press starts and they continue the headline. In another episode the Pressâ€Å"moves the bundles of newspapers on the floor to outline the four corners of a jail cell†, i. e.makes the decorations for the next scene in jail (1, 1992). To sum up, the play â€Å"Zoot Suit† by Luis Valdez exemplified Brechtian understanding of social-political role of art and demonstrates a number of Brechtian techniques of the â€Å"new theatre†, among them accentuated conventionality of action, transposition into third person (use of narrator) and into the past, connected with the present, and forcible handling of time. References 1. Valdes, L. (1992). Zoot Suit. Zoot Suit and Other Plays. Houston, TX: Arte Publico Press. Pg 22-94.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Battle of Vicksburg

The object of contention in the Vicksburg campaign was the Mississippi River, which bore the same relation to the seceding Southern States that the Hudson bore to the rebellious Thirteen Colonies in the Revolutionary War; it divided them into two parts (Ballard(1) 3-5). If the Union forces could get control of this river they would split the Confederacy in two, and stop the passage of supplies and men to the Confederate armies in the east from Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas (Ballard(1) 72). This was a purely military consideration, but there was also a political and commercial consideration.The Mississippi was the great highway of trade between the Northwestern States and the outside world; so long as any part of it was controlled by Confederate batteries the highway was closed (Ballard(1) 8). The Confederates in the first year of the war controlled the middle portion of the river by the forts at Columbus, New Madrid and Island No. 10, Fort Pillow and Fort Randolph (Ballard(1) 18). C olumbus was evacuated a short while after the fall of Forts Henry and Donelson (Ballard(1) 27). General Pope, with the help of Foote's fleet, captured New Madrid and Island No. 10, in April, 1862.The victory at Shiloh (April 6 and 7, 1862) advanced the Union line southward to the Memphis and Charleston Railway, Fort Pillow was abandoned by the Confederates on the 4th of June, and Fort Randolph the next day (Ballard(1) 42-43). At this time the Federals and the Confederates both had fleets on the river. Foote's fleet, now commanded by Commodore Davis, Foote being still disabled by the wound he received at Donelson, pushed on down the river, as one Confederate post after another was evacuated or taken. On May 10, 1862, the Confederate flotilla had attacked the Union fleet at Fort Pillow and been defeated (Shea and Winschel 10).On June 7 the Union squadron attacked the Confederate fleet at Memphis, destroying three of its vessels, damaging others, and driving the fleet southward. The Ma yor of Memphis immediately surrendered the town to Davis. The river was now open southward as far as Vicksburg (Shea and Winschel 11-12). On the 25th of April, 1862, Farragut's fleet had arrived at New Orleans and taken possession of that city; in May the fleet moved up the river and took Baton Rouge and Natchez, and, with the assistance of a small detachment of land troops, tried to take Vicksburg, but failed (Shea and Winschel 35-37).The Confederate authorities, now appreciating the importance and the peril of Vicksburg, had it strongly garrisoned and provided with batteries to command the river. By direction of the authorities at Washington, Farragut, with his fleet of ships and gunboats, and General Williams, with a small force of artillery and infantry, made another unsuccessful effort against Vicksburg, toward the end of June, 1862 (Ballard(2) 16-17).Vicksburg was now the only point of the river held by the Confederates, but in August General Breckinridge garrisoned Port Hudso n, two hundred miles below Vicksburg, and began setting up heavy batteries there to command the river. Thenceforward this point, also, was occupied by the Confederates until after the fall of Vicksburg. The Confederates also regained control of the river as far northward as Helena, Arkansas. (Ballard (2) 45-47). Such was the situation along the Mississippi in September, 1862.Halleck, having captured Corinth and dispersed his army, had gone to Washington to assume the office of Generalin-Chief, leaving Grant â€Å"in command of all troops in the vicinity of Memphis and Corinth and as far back as Columbus, Ky† (Ropes 35). Buell and Bragg were in their race for Kentucky, and Grant's forces had been drawn upon to reinforce Buell's; Grant now had only about 42,000 men. With these he was required by Halleck to guard the railway from Memphis to Decatur, two hundred miles, and keep open communication with Buell. This constrained him to a passive defensive attitude for the time (Balla rd (2) 186-87).The Confederate troops in Mississippi composed two independent commands, each about 16,000 strong. One force under Van Dorn; the other under Sterling Price. On the 2nd of September Price received word from Bragg that Rosecrans, whose â€Å"Army of the Mississippi† formed the left of Grant's line, was about to march to Tennessee in order to join Buell. Bragg asked Price to prevent this movement. Accordingly, Price asked Van Dorn to join forces with him to attack Rosecrans. Van Dorn agreed to join him, but replied that he should not be able to assemble his scattered forces before the 12th of the month.Fearing that this would not be early enough to catch Rosecrans, Price moved out without waiting for Van Dorn. On the 14th he occupied Iuka. About the 18th Price and Van Dorn arranged to join their forces at Rienzi for an advance against Corinth (Shea and Hess 303-113). Meantime Grant had been watching the movements of Price and Van Dorn, and had resolved to attack P rice at Iuka, before he and Van Dorn could unite their forces. To this end he assembled Rosecrans's command and Ord's division at Corinth, and started them toward Iuka.Rosecrans took the roads by way of Rienzi and Jacinto, and was to approach Iuka from the direction of the south. Ord marched by way of the railway, and was to attack at the same time from the north and west. The combined attack was to drive Price against the Tennessee River. As usually happens with marches of concentration, this one miscarried. The upshot was, Rosecrans approached by one road only from the south, and attacked the Confederates without Ord. Darkness ended the combat, and during the night Price slipped out by the other road [the Fulton road] to the south (Ballard (1) 75-77) .Rosecrans and Ord returned to Corinth. Van Dorn and Price met at Ripley on the 28th of September, and Van Dorn took command of their combined force by virtue of his rank. Van Dorn marched the united force by way of Pocahontas and Che walla, and formed line of battle to the northwest of Rosecrans's position, near intrenchments at Corinth, on the morning of October the 3rd. The Confederates attacked, and by sunset had driven the Federals into the redoubts at the edge of the town. The next morning Van Dorn renewed the assault.The combat was ferocious; but by noon it was over, and the Confederates were retreating from the field. Rosecrans made no pursuit until the next day. Van Dorn made good his retreat to Holly Springs. Rosecrans and Hurlbut pursued to Ripley and were then recalled by Grant to Corinth and Bolivar. General Pemberton was now sent to Mississippi to take command of all the Confederate forces in the State; Rosecrans was called from Grant's army to relieve Buell of the command of the Army of the Ohio. Grant was promised by Halleck a â€Å"large body of new levies,† and he purposed taking the offensive without delay (Reed 88).Meantime McClernand was in Washington working out a secret scheme with t he President and the Secretary of War, by which he was to raise a volunteer army in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa, and lead it down the Mississippi to capture Vicksburg. No intimation of this project was given to General Grant, but Halleck, of course, was informed of it. The result was that when Grant first wrote to Halleck (October 26) asking leave to move against Vicksburg, he received no reply to his letter. Then followed several contradictory and vague dispatches from Halleck, which kept Grant for some time guessing what he was expected to do.At last, however, it was arranged that Grant should move with the main army from Grand Junction to Holly Springs, and be joined by Sherman with the troops from Memphis, on the Tallahatchie River. A force from Helena was to move across the Mississippi and threaten the Confederate rear at Grenada (Reed 92-95). At this time Van Dorn commanded the Confederate forces about Holly Springs-some 24,000 men, formed in two divisions, under Price and Lov ell. Vicksburg was garrisoned by 6,000 Confederates, and Port Hudson by 5,500. Pemberton had his headquarters at Jackson.By the 5th of November Grant had reached Oxford with the main body, and Sherman was at College Hill, a few miles northwest of that place. The force from Helena had carried out its part of the plan and had returned to Helena. Van Dorn had fallen back, before Grant's advance, to Grenada. Up to this time Grant had advanced with no very definite plan, except to attack the enemy if he overtook him. But Van Dorn, by Pemberton's order, had kept falling back. As Grant's line of communication was now more than 200 miles long-a single-track railway back to Columbus, Kentucky,-Grant established a secondary base at Holly Springs.After considerable correspondence with Halleck, and the discussion of several plans with Sherman for the capture of Vicksburg, it was finally arranged, with Halleck's approval, that Sherman should return to Memphis with one division. There he was to p ick up all the newly arrived troops, and, with the troops under Steele from Helena, he was to organize an expedition to move by transports, under escort of Porter's fleet of gunboats, to Vicksburg, while Grant marched his army along the left bank of the Yazoo against the same objective. Sherman was back at Memphis by the 12th of December, and set out for Vicksburg on the 20th (Reed 104-106).But events occurred which prevented Grant from carrying out his part of the plan. As a consequence of raids Grant was forced to place his army on short rations, fall back to the Memphis and Charleston Railway, and open communications with Memphis. No supplies were to be had in the country; it had been stripped. Sherman, in the meanwhile, had gone down the Mississippi. He had a force of 32,000 men and sixty guns, which he organized into four divisions. His division commanders were M. L. Smith, A. J. Smith, G. W. Morgan, and Fred Steele.The expedition reached Miliken's Bend, twenty-five miles above Vicksburg, before daylight on Christmas day (Simon and Grant 98-100). Vicksburg stood 250 feet above the waters of the Mississippi, and from there a line of cliffs, known as Chickasaw Bluffs, ran northward twelve miles, to Haynes's Bluff on the Yazoo River. The space between the base of the bluffs and the rivers was a wooded swamp cut up by bayous and creeks (Ropes 71). Pemberton had learned of Sherman's expedition, and had hurried reinforcements to Vicksburg; so that 12,000 Confederates were now intrenched upon the bluffs, awaiting Sherman's attack.This expedition was also to have received the cooperation of an expedition under Banks from New Orleans. Banks, however, got no farther than Baton Rouge Sherman landed his troops, on the 26th of December, at Johnson's plantation, and his columns, on the 27th and 28th, meandered across the swamps and bayous toward the foot of the bluffs. Only one of the columns had a bridgetrain. On the 29th Sherman assaulted the Confederate position, bu t was unable to carry it. He remained in position two or three days, vainly trying to find some way by which to dislodge the Confederates.On the 2nd of January he reembarked his men, and, without opposition, returned to the mouth of the Yazoo. Here he was met by McClernand, with an order assigning that general to command the expedition. The order was dated about the 17th of December (Ropes 74-76). Thus ended in failure the project of a combined movement against Vicksburg by land and water. Works Cited Ballard, Michael B. (1) Vicksburg: The Campaign That Opened the Mississippi. University of North Carolina Press, 2004. Ballard, Michael B. (2) Civil War Mississippi: A Guide. University Press of Mississippi, 2000. Shea, William L. and Hess, Earl J.Pea Ridge: Civil War Campaign in the West. University of North Carolina Press, 1992. Shea, William L. and Winschel, Terrence J. Vicksburg Is the Key: The Struggle for the Mississippi River. University of Nebraska Press, 2003. Simon, John Y. a nd Grant, Ulysses S. The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant: April 1 – July 6, 1863 Vol. 8. Southern Illinois University Press, 1979. Reed, Samuel R. The Vicksburg Campaign, and the Battles about Chattanooga under the Command of General U. S. Grant in 1862-63; a Historical Review. Cincinnati: R. Clarke, 1882. Ropes, John Codman. The Army in the Civil War. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1881.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Resume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 27

Resume - Essay Example I also plan to be more versed with microsoft certification this will enable me to be recognized in different city as long as they use microsoft. The results of possesing this qualification will make me more acquinted in this field and will make me be a proven asset towards the field of programming.It is also essential for one to describe his strengths and what he believes are challenges in the field in his line of duty this enables one to see how experienced one is. Currently I work with the military this will enable gain experience necesssary experience for the years I will work till I retire. When writing the resume avoid long words always report staight to the point the benefit of what you put on the table this will enable one to prove his point easier. You should also write what other skills you possess how you think they will be beneficial to the employer and also you. They should be a bit in line with your goals and aspirations, not far off the grid this will show or portray yo u as a person who understands what he wants in life and will be of great importance in helping one review what you really want. You can use the advantage of working in the military as a displined fella who does not tolerate mediocre and who is focused in what he wants to achieve. One role should be clearly stated as this will help one in acknowledging how your roles are going to fit in the next aspiring position your are seeking .The roles that you play should be clearly distinguished from the roles that you are intending to play, and administer in your next task this should show your ambitiousness and your zeal as the best candidate for the task that you are intending to show. Furthermore, a resume should be able to say more about where you were born to where you schooled. Some of the accolades you have achieved in your journey and also what you

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Luis Egidio Melendez Self-Portrait Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Luis Egidio Melendez Self-Portrait - Essay Example The essay "Luis Egidio Melendez Self-Portrait" explores Self-Portrait of Luis Egidio Melendez. Living approximately a century prior to Van Gogh, Luis Egidio Melendez struggled through his entire life working out brilliant uses of paint and technique to capture a vision that only he was able to see in his time. Although not insane like Van Gogh, Melendez was considered to have a difficult nature and this contributed to his professional struggles. Similar to Van Gogh, though, it was only after his death in abject poverty that his brilliance was finally recognized and honored. Today, the artist is considered one of the great masters of Spanish history, particularly in the area of still lifes. Although the difficulties of his life had a great role in dictating the subjects he painted, an examination of his Self-Portrait, painted in 1747, provides some illumination to his talents and abilities which distinguish him as a masterful painter. Melendez’ full name is Luis Egidio Melendez de Rivera Durazo y Santo Padre. He was born in Naples, Italy in 1716. His father, Francisco, had left his home of Oviedo, Spain to move to Madrid with his brother in order to study art but then moved on to Italy in 1699 in search of more new techniques. It was while Francisco was in Naples that he met and married Maria Josefa Durazo y Santo Padre Barrille and started a family. It wasn’t until 1717, when Luis was a year old, that the family returned to Madrid where Francisco developed his miniature painting skills further.

The Advancement of Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Advancement of Technology - Research Paper Example On the other hand, at the present, Internet tools and techniques are transforming and modernizing the ways through which business operations are performed. In addition, these tools and techniques are also modernizing the basic technical frameworks on which various corporations are developing their domestic or internal business structures. This paper presents an overview of the developments in technology. This paper outlines the advancement of technology that has been playing a significant role in today’s world. Introduction New advancements in technology are brought through the knowledge of crafts, tools, methods and techniques or special scientific and technology systems. In addition, the technological developments play a significant role in resolving diverse kinds of issues and problems. Basically, these technological developments can be seen different areas such as in information technology, construction technology, space technology, medical technology, communication techno logy, art technology and so on. Moreover, the advancement in the technology refers to the development of all the areas connected with technology. The technology normally influences animal species, human and society. In fact, a lot of researches have been carried out on this subject shown that the advancement in technology plays a significant role in the improvement of human life. Before the 20th century this idea was rare in English. In this scenario, the earlier technology was taken as the explanation of art that was helpful. However, the description of â€Å"technology† has been changed with the development of technology (Advancements in Technology, 2012; Turban, Leidner, McLean, & Wetherbe, 2005). This paper will discuss the advancements in technology. In this scenario, this paper will discuss some of the important developments in the technology that helped the human race to become much faster, competent and more developed. Advancement in Technology in Different Sectors De velopment in technology performs a significant role in a number of areas/fields. In this scenario, one of the main technology based developments is seen in political sectors. With the advancement of technology a wide variety of war tools, guns, bombs are made. Though, they are bad for mass people who are not concerned with the war. On the other hand, the communication technology has narrowed the issues and barriers to the human communication. In fact, the history of developments in technology is both rich and long. Additionally, many researchers have made technology based development in space technology (astronomy), science and mathematics. In addition, the traditional herbal medicine, medicine and acupuncture are at the present replaced by the modern technology. With the improvement of technology shadow clock was created by the scientists, which was the first progress in technology. With the passage of time inventors invented a lot of scientific tools that are extremely large in nu mber and cannot be counted (Advancements in Technology, 2012; Turban, Aronson, & Liang, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, 2004; Laudon & Laudon, 1999). The majority of business organizations are at the present making use of the Internet tools and techniques to develop a private internal network which is acknowledged as the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critique - Assignment Example , (2011), in order to effectively determine the NBO, it is important to collect personal data about the customers from their names, sizes, physical address, phone numbers, occupation, salary range, number of children, ages of the children and of the customer among many others. All these can be collected from their social media and personal data on file in the online stores and then use the same to predict their purchase context and pricing range of their shopping and products. A perfect example provided in the article is where a person purchasing diapers can have an NBO of wipes, powder, beer among others all of which accompany the baby products which the person is in need of without realizing it. In order to know the customer even before they make the purchase of the items, it is important to examine their buyer behavior first a few times in order to get a grip about what they like to purchase, in what quality and quantity, their favorite or preferred brand and the duration between one purchase and the next (Kotler & Armstrong, 2015). All these is important to predict the buyer behavior and hence be in a position to offer then an NBO the next time they are online just as a way to not only advertise the products but tempt them on what else they might need. Once enough personal data has been gathered about a shopper, the next step is to execute the advertisement and promotion. The person may start receiving the NBOs in their emails; receiving phone calls about the same, notifications in their social media accounts among other online places they frequently visit (Davenport, Mule & Lucker, 2011). All these are in an attempt to make them purchase more than what they need or have planned for or make them aware of new product in the market, new prices and even new promotional offers (Kotler & Armstrong, 2015). In order to make it even more interesting and tempting, numerous discounts and advantages such as reward points can be provided which can then be redeemed in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Owning a Computer for Writer Is Not Necessarily, Equal Right to an Essay

Owning a Computer for Writer Is Not Necessarily, Equal Right to an Equal Share of Resources - Essay Example The articles are on the case against helping the poor. The article argues that everyone on the earth has an equal right to an equal share of resources. In the current situation, two-thirds of the nation is poor and the other third comparatively rich with the United States being the richest of all. The article argues on the plans that are made by those countries that are rich and those that are not rich. This brings the difference between the countries. The third article is about sustainability. In the recent situation, the term sustainability has been wrongly used to refer to practices that are reputed to be more environmentally important than others. The term is indispensable and should be used as the cornerstone for all the planning that is used in a country. The axioms of sustainability are defined in the article. The first axiom is that a society that remains to use acute resources untenably will collapse. The second axiom is population growth or growth in the rates of consumption of resources cannot be sustained. The third axiom is that to be sustainable, the use of renewable sources must be preceded at the rate less than or equal to replenishment. The fourth axiom is that the use of nonrenewable energy sources and the rate at which they decline must be greater or equal to the rate of depletion. The last axiom brought about is that sustainability requires that the substance that is introduced into the environment from human ac tivities be reduced and compact harmless to biosphere roles. The issue that all three essays are concerned with is on resources. In the first essay, the argument is on the reasons that make the author not being able to buy a computer.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Business Report - Essay Example The most recent count of the dead in 7,000 and rising, and as rescue efforts escalate various problems are starting to emerge relating to the difficulties in distributing aid, and the challenges in successfully managing the logistics tied to the relief process. In some areas that are the most badly hit and where the people have been chronically in need of help, the aid simply has not arrived. It is in this spirit that this business report is written, with an eye to exploring new products that can be deployed and used in disaster areas such as Nepal, with the aim of helping the displaced Nepalese in the most effective manner. The logistics of delivering aid to those who are most in need of them in disaster-struck areas such as Nepal require novel solutions, and require creativity in the use of available new technologies and products in order to crack seemingly intractable problems, save lives, and give hope to both rescue providers and the most desperate and destitute victims. The ear thquake in Nepal and the dire situation of the people who are in the disaster areas highlight the importance and the urgency of the use and availability of such new products. The problem lies in unearthing these products and creatively making use of them for them precisely in order to help in the direst situations in badly hit parts of Nepal and other such zones of disaster. The purpose of this business report is to present new products that can be deployed and used in disaster-hit areas (Khan; Burke).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dangerous chemicals allowed by the FDA to be included in human and Research Paper

Dangerous chemicals allowed by the FDA to be included in human and animal foods - Research Paper Example as been documented to have allowed the use of harmful toxins to be used in human as well as animal food, which is likely to cause disastrous health outcomes, often leading to death. Although the exact number of harmful chemicals allowed by the FDA cannot be determined with accuracy, a comprehensive list of such chemicals is included as Appendix A. Three of the most potentially hazardous of the chemicals from the list (see appendix) Bisphenol A (BPA), Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Ractopamine - are linked to disastrous health outcomes, often leading to death. The FDA should, therefore, ban these chemicals, from use in human and animal food products, in order to uphold the general principle of safeguarding public health and prevent the large scale destruction that the presence of such harmful toxins can cause. Bisphenol A (BPA), Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Ractopamine are three of the several dangerous chemicals which are allowed by the FDA to be used in human and animal food, which are documented to have disastrous consequences when consumed, often leading to death, and hence need to be banned with immediate effect. The development in technology and the subsequent advancement in agriculture have both led to a dramatic rise in use of chemicals, particularly in the developed nations. Over 80,000 harmful chemicals are now made available commercially, and are regularly being used in agriculture and animal husbandry. Such potentially toxic chemicals which are known to enhance the productivity and hence the economical gain, and hence their drastic impact on human and animal life has been largely ignored (Erickson, 20093). Several of the toxic chemicals which are routinely used in agriculture as well as fed to livestock, have been proven to cause disastrous effect on human as well as animals, sometimes often leading to death. However, regardless of studies and researches which point towards their harmful influence on our lives, the use of such toxins

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Speech Perception and Language Processing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Speech Perception and Language Processing - Essay Example WM has three systems with interactive mechanisms (Montgomery, Magimairai, & Maianisha, 2010). WM enables language comprehension in children of different ages. Though they are affected by the surrounding environment, WM plays an important role in processing of all incoming input on these children. Through the different systems that cooperate and coordinate with the working memory, language development is easily achieved in a normal child. However, the system has a fine attention to resources such as the mental energy that is always controlled in a flexible manner to achieve all bodily functions more easily. Children with specific language impairment normally do not have an impaired WM (Montgomery, Magimairai, & Maianisha, 2010). On the contrary, they also exhibit nonverbal intelligence unlike children with specific language impairment. Also, there are less or no developmental disabilities such as autism. From various researches that have been conducted by various institutions, children with specific language impairment rarely have limitations in working memory. In most cases, these kinds of children represent a heterogeneous population that has a language deficit depending on the surrounding nature. Most of them demonstrate working memory limitations according to these reports. Additionally, children with specific language impairment have a very slow vocabulary growth. Mostly, they have trouble in practicing and learning new words. The reason behind this is that they have a problem in encoding and storing new words in their memory. Hence, we can clearly affirm that children with specif ic language impairment have an impaired working memory. According to an article published by Montgomery, children with specific language impairment normally have a deficit in working memory especially in typically developing children (Montgomery, Magimairai, & Maianisha, 2010).

Monday, July 22, 2019

A selectively membrane means that the cell membrane can only control over certain things Essay Example for Free

A selectively membrane means that the cell membrane can only control over certain things Essay Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane. A selectively membrane means that the cell membrane can only control over certain things that come in and out through the membrane. A membrane is just the structure surrounding the cell. Throughout osmosis, the cell could either get larger, or smaller. If the cell gets larger it means that it was put into a hypotonic solution, and result to the cell exploding. If the cell gets smaller, it means it was put in a hypotonic solution. If nothing happens to the cell, that means it was put in an isotonic solution. Once a cell starts to get smaller, it will shrivel. The difference between osmosis and diffusion is that diffusion is the process by which molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Methods: To test, and see the difference between osmosis and diffusion, my group and I conducted three different labs. The first lab we had completed was one where you put an Elodea leaf under the microscope. As step one we put it on a microscope slide, put a few drops of water on top of it, and observed it under the microscope. As step two, we put a few drops of salted water on the leaf, and observed it underneath the microscope. Then we compared the differences in the leaf before and after. After looking at the two different images, it was clear that osmosis had taken place. The leaf in the salt water had become more shriveled; you could also see it a lot better, obvious that something had taken place. The second lab that we had done involved carrots, and took three days to complete. We first got two cups and filled them halfway with water, in one of them we out one tablespoon of salt. After labeling the salted cup, we then took two carrots. On each carrot we tied a piece of string to it, and soaking each of them in the water. Before we could put either of the carrots into a cup, we described the textures of them. We then put Carrot 1 into the water, while Carrot B went into the salted water. After about three days, we went back and got the carrots out of the water. Some of the observations we had noticed was that Carrot 1 had gotten sturdier, much harder. Carrot 2 on the other hand had gotten rough spots, and pretty bendy overall. Both of the carrots had gotten bigger. Knowing that osmosis had taken place, the task was now to figure out if it was hypertonic, or hypotonic. Knowing that Carrot 1 had gotten bigger, and much firmer, we knew that hypotonic osmosis had taken place. Since Carrot 2 was supposed to get smaller, we assumed that hypertonic osmosis had taken place, because the carrot was supposed to shrink and get smaller, meaning that the salt would’ve pulled out the natural waters in Carrot 2. The third lab we had done we tested the amount of glucose that would have diffused out of the baggie. First we took a graduated cylinder and poured 15ml of prepared glucose into it. Next we took a dialysis tube that had been soaking in water and tied a knot in one end. With the unknotted end, we carefully poured the 15ml of glucose in. After tying a knot in the open end, noting the coloring of the bag, determining if glucose was present in the tube using an indicator strip and seeing that there wasn’t any we went ahead and put 250 ml of distilled water along with one ml of potassium iodide (IKI) and the dialysis bag into our beaker. Once we had noted that inside of the dialysis bag it was clear, the beaker was brown because of the IKI, and that there was glucose inside of the dialysis bag, but not the beaker, we were ready to wait 30 minutes to move onto the next set of steps. After the long 30 minutes, we removed the dialysis bag from the beaker. Next we recorded data from the dialysis bag which was sugar, and glucose present. The color went from clear to a light blue, and there was still glucose present. The data from the beaker had also changed, the color had stayed the same, but the glucose present had changed, because in the beginning the beaker didn’t have any glucose, but now the distilled water had some. We knew that the glucose from the dialysis bag, had come out and into the beaker, and we knew that it had to be through diffusion because it wasn’t just water in the beaker. Results: In doing these three labs, we had learned the difference between osmosis and diffusion and we had also learned some very important vocabulary. For our first lab we had done, with the leaf, we had learned that osmosis had taken place, and because of osmosis, the leaf had expanded a lot. The leaf became more visible underneath the microscope, but with the naked eye, it had become a lot smaller, and shriveled. In this lab hypertonic osmosis had taken place, because the salt from the salt water had brought the natural waters out of the leaf, and before you knew it the leaf under the microscope was much smaller. In our second lab we had discovered that both of the carrots went through a phase of osmosis. Carrot 1 had gone through hypotonic osmosis, where the water goes through the cell membrane. The water moves from the outside in, which explains why the carrot was bigger, and why it was much more firm than Carrot 2 which had gone through hypertonic osmosis, meaning that the salt in the cup/beaker had gone through the cell membrane, and basically soaked up the natural water in the carrot, and transferring it into the water inside the cup causing for the carrot to be shriveled up and smaller. In our third lab, we had saw diffusion for the first time. It is almost just like osmosis, except osmosis is only water and salts, and sugars. In this lab we had used potassium iodide in the water, making it not only water. The experiment had gone well, and we got the results we had wanted. The thin dialysis bag had a certain amount of sugar in it, while the beaker it was laying in had absolutely none. In the end, the beaker had shown a significant amount of sugar in it, and because the potassium iodide could not pass through the dialysis bag, the sugar went ahead and came out of the bag, making the process of diffusion complete. Discussion: All three of these labs worked out, and ended pretty well except our second lab, the carrot lab. Our data had shown that the weight after being soaked for three days of the carrots weren’t any different, they had both gained weight. But that had made no sense to us because the carrot that was in the salt water should’ve shrunk and not gained weight. Some of the errors that could’ve gone wrong were that we may not have put enough salt in the cup for anything to actually take place. But because we had known what was supposed to happen, we had an idea of what actually happen, and the fact that the characteristics of everything of a shrunken cell had taken place, besides the fact that the carrot had gained a little bit of weight. References: Lab Worksheets. Crazy Carrots Cellular Transport Vocabulary AP Bio Lab 1 Osmosis and Diffusion Lab Activity Elodea Leaf Lab Acknowledgements: Thank you Miss. Pagano for teaching me the difference between osmosis and diffusion and for writing up these labs to help my classmates and I understand it better and much easier!

Dostoevsky and Franzen Essay Example for Free

Dostoevsky and Franzen Essay Fyodor Dostoevsky is indisputably one of the greatest writers of his time, and arguably of all time. He earned this status not only by being an unmatched story teller- writing novels so gripping that they are hard to put down- but by infusing his dramas with timeless comedy, poignant social commentary, insightful psychology, and universal philosophical inquiries. His extremely in-depth character development allows for unlimited societal references that every reader can relate to. A most common feeling expressed among readers is that he puts into words what they have always thought about, but never had the words- or the sharp observation- to express. A similar feeling is created by Jonathan Franzen, whose novel, The Corrections, is a bestseller, and not only on account of its hilarious banter and piercing insight. The Corrections is widely hailed as an epic masterpiece that perfectly brings to light the problems of materialism, technology, and alienation in American culture. This is perhaps even more impressive because he is British and not American. Franzen has risen quickly to the top, and The Corrections will continue to be read for many years to come. Though their personal beliefs are entirely different, Franzen and Dostoevsky address many of the same questions regarding family. The psychological breakdown of relationships between family members is key and not only addresses psychology, but also society. Both authors utilize the family as a microcosmic representation for society, and Dostoevsky’s 1880 novel, The Brothers Karamazov, the last of Dostoyevsky’s famous and well-regarded novels, is the best example of this tactic. The Brothers Karamazov begins with a brief family history. The patriarch, Fyodor Karamazov, has three sons (Dimitri, Ivan, and Alyosha) by two different women. Fyodor, preoccupied with hedonistic debauchery, sends his sons to various relatives to be taken care of. Dimitri and Fyodor become enemies as soon as Dimitri is old enough to realize that his father not only has taken no responsibility for him, but is also withholding his inheritance left to him by his dead mother. The feud intensifies when they both fall in love with Grushenka, a woman of notoriously poor reputation. Dimitri, though vengefully abhorrent of his father, has inherited Fyodor’s taste for wine and women. Ivan, the second oldest, is a brooding intellectual, and Alyosha, the youngest, has moved to the monastery under the well-respected Father Zossima. Smerdyakov, the fourth and illegitimate son, is Fyodor’s cook. Smerdyakov is anti-social and epileptic, but loves to talk about philosophy with Ivan. Understandably, Dimitri is blamed when Smerdyakov murders Fyodor, because of the â€Å"overwhelming facts† against him. Ivan loses his mind when he realizes that he is more to blame than the innocent Dimitri, because he subconsciously encouraged, and even hoped for the murder, and Alyosha leaves the monastery on Zossima’s instructions. The Karamazovs forcefully confront the reader with the timeless questions of family. Is love entitled or earned? Are children unconditionally innocent? Are children obliged to love and respect their parents despite neglect and abuse? â€Å"Even while The Brothers Karamazov insists on the innocence of children, it also undercuts this idea, showing how children can be sinful even while they suffer†¦the tension between childhood innocence and childhood guilt is at the very heart of the novel†¦they resemble another category of natural victims, the peasants†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hruska, 472) It is not only the idea of children that is representative of a larger social construct, but nearly every character. Alyosha is the devout Christian. He believes wholeheartedly in the good of human kind and Christ. He is honest, loyal, and compassionate. He is not just a person of faith- he embodies faith. He has faith not only in God, but also in humanity. Though not representative of Dostoevsky himself, Alyosha is an extremely sympathetic character, designed to uphold the principals of faith and Christ against all opposition- and Dostoevsky’s representation of opposition is not slight, but in fact, very thorough. Ivan represents doubt and rationality. His intellectualism is both his strength and his eventual downfall. Though brilliant, it is precisely his doubt that drives him to madness. He is a respectable character, but he is ultimately unsuccessful, exhibiting Dostoevsky’s view on where the path of doubt leads. Fyodor Pavlovich is obviously deplorable and pathetic. He is selfish and greedy. He seeks nothing but pleasure at all costs and is completely uncaring, except, presumably, for Grushenka. He believes that his recognition of his own disgraceful behavior frees him not from outside condemnation, but from true inferiority. His illegitimate son, Smerdyakov, becomes the manifestation of all that is impure in Fyodor. The Lambert family in The Corrections, though lacking in murderous rivalry and unbridled sensuality, is equally disturbing, if only because of its realism. â€Å"We are talking about the family values of the House of Atreus, the Brothers Karamazov, the Mafia, and the Manson Gang. † (Leonard, 6) While Alfred loses his body and mind to Parkinson’s, his wife, Enid, tries desperately to reunite the family for Christmas. The oldest, Gary, is well off and living with his own wife and children in an affluent area of Philadelphia. Denise, the middle child, is a successful and beautiful young chef. Chip is a failed screenplay writer, a failed boyfriend, a failed professor, and a failed son. The Corrections, then, addresses not only the gap between generations, but also the grasp of one on the other. The flyaway children who feel themselves wronged return like boomerangs to the parents whose business it has always been to stamp out errancy†¦ (Leonard, 9) Both Dostoevsky and Franzen push the reader’s limit for sympathy with their extremely flawed, but perhaps forgivable characters. The reader is forced to examine the limits of redemption from greed and â€Å"base† behavior, both in society and in the family. In both novels, the reader is ultimately compelled to forgive any sin where repentance is present. In The Brothers Karamazov, for example, it is easier to forgive Dimitri’s aggression and lies because of his genuine sincerity, while his father, a victim of cold blooded murder, does not evoke the slightest feelings of sympathy, aside, maybe, from sheer pity. In The Corrections, Chip is likable despite his follies not only because of his self-deprecation, but because he has moral principals. Contrary to his brother, Gary, who has a wife, children, and a steady job, but a very capitalistic mindset and a depressed, numb state of living. Denise is a competitive workaholic but is genuinely confused, and the reader his hoping for her salvation because she is so desperately isolated. The novel shifts from a condemnation of the contemporary American materialism to the possibility of family (and, by implication, human) forgiveness. The narrative has been dallying with philosophical questions, but now it lingers†¦I cannot say whether Franzen could have pulled off this miraculous redemption of his story had he not so cruelly set up his Lamberts as crass sinners, but I was sorry it took him so long to acknowledge their capacity for decency†¦(Sayers 23) Perhaps the biggest difference between these two novels is the philosophical dissonance between Dostoevsky and Franzen. While Dostoevsky’s characters clearly represent specific and largely unchanging ideals, Franzen’s creations are muddled and confused. They resemble a deer in the headlights of post-modern America, racing inside, but paralyzed by the chaos of the situation, and unable to move in either direction. Interestingly, though Dostoevksy was a staunch advocate of deep faith while fairly exploring doubt, his ultimate message when is comes to family is far less optimistic than the obviously anti-religious Franzen. This is perhaps dependent on the opposing characters’ abilities to change. Since Dostoevsky’s characters remain of largely the same beliefs and convictions throughout and in spite of their life-changing experiences, they are incapable of true metamorphosis. Franzen’s initially detestable Lambert family is eventually redeemed by each character’s inner-changes, which leads ultimately to a realistically cynical, but still heart-warming loyalty to one-another. The only character who doesn’t change for the better is Alfred, who simply loses his mind, and though the reader is respectful of his work ethic, he is obviously the yoke of the family, whose death is seen as ultimately positive for his wife and children. There is a sense of triumph by the end of the novel, when Enid, who initially looked like an idiot compared to Alfred, is really just in need of independence, and proves to be a lot smarter than she seems. If anyone in The Corrections is radically transformed—and all of them are turned like sucklings on a spit— its Enid at age seventy-five. When Alfred at last is safely dead, she puts on her sudden freedom like a jaunty hat. (Leonard, 8) When the charismatic and brilliant defense attorney asserts the child’s right to demand proof that he should love his father, the audience wholeheartedly approves and supports him, even so far as to applaud despite the judge. The audience, like a Shakespearean chorus, representing the author’s prediction of the reader’s reaction, is totally in favor of Dimitri’s salvation despite full knowledge of past offenses. The reader blames his father for raising a violent deviant. Franzen, on the other hand, provokes a feeling of pity for Enid that makes the reader want to scold her children, understandably irritated though they may be, for not treating their mother with more kindness. The result is a surprising one. Franzen, the postmodern critic of just about everything, takes the route of sympathy and even optimism. His characters change for the better in a very real way. They don’t proclaim that they have decided to devote themselves to God, they have no fear of damnation, they just genuinely have tried and succeeded in improving their relationships. Dostoevsky is focused much more on religion, for a variety of justifiable reasons, but his characters are less fluid. Though each of his characters transforms throughout the novel, it is only by way of rigorous philosophical inquiry. Franzen’s characters, on the other hand, are merely growing up. Enid does not plan to improve her life when her husband dies- she just does. It is a natural progression as opposed to a constant battle fought with violent imagery and empty threats. Franzen frees his characters from every limit set by Dostoevsky- especially God and the fear of moral judgment. The result is not a depressing tale of a family who does not feel an obligated loyalty to one another. On the contrary, the Lambert family transforms only for love. They are not motivated by religion or society. They simply learn to love one another for no other reason than their shared DNA. This is far more optimistic than the picture of a family according to Dostoevsky, because it is universally attainable. SOURCES Hruska, Anne. The Sins of Children in the Brothers Karamazov. Christianity and Literature 54 (2005): 471-495. Parenthetical Citation Leonard, John. Nuclear Fission. Rev. of The Corrections, by Jonathan Franzen. New York Review of Books 20 Sept. 2001. Parenthetical Citation Polka, Brayton. Psychology and Theology in the Brothers Karamazov. Journal of Literature and Theology 5 (1991): 1-24. Parenthetical Citation Sayers, Valerie. Caffeinated Realism. Commonweal 21 Dec. 2001: 23-24. Parenthetical Citation

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Mcdonalds Corporation Is Listed In The New York Marketing Essay

Mcdonalds Corporation Is Listed In The New York Marketing Essay Introduction: In this coursework, I would like to talk about the famous worldwide brand McDonalds Restaurant. The reason I chose this brand for my marketing strategy and marketing planning coursework is the best known brand worldwide and the powerful marketing strategy applied through all over the world. In this chapter Id like to explain the company profile, aim of this coursework, overview of the coursework. In the chapter 2, Id like to explain the learning outcomes of Strategic marketing. Finally there is a conclusion and recommendation chapter followed by references. Company Profile: McDonalds Corporation is listed in the New York Stock Exchange, USA (NYSE: MCD) is the global company headquartered in Illinois, USA. McD (McDonalds) is the biggest chain of fast food restaurants in the world. McD serves about 60 million people every day. McDonalds sells various flavours of burgers, fries, soft drinks, desserts, chicken products worldwide. McD is founded by Maurice McDonald and Richard in 1940 in California. Ray Kroc is the person who founded the McDonald corporation. Presently, McDonald has 31,200 locations in 120 countries worldwide with the staff force of 1,702,000 in 2009. James skinner is the CEO and Chairman of McDonald. McDonalds revenue in 2009 was US$24.2 billion. Mission and Vision of McDonald: McDonalds mission is to be our customers favorite place and way to eat. McDonalds global operations are structured a common worldwide marketing strategy named plan to win focusing the marketing mix of the organisation which includes the prominent Product, Price, Place, Promotion and People. McD is dedicated to develop their business worldwide and increasing the value of consumers experience in stores. Aim of the Coursework: The aim of this coursework is to explain the marketing strategy and marketing plan of McDonalds. For this aim we should identify the marketing planning process of McDonalds, PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, Ansoffs product-growth matrix, marketing mix of thee company. These are the objectives of the coursework. Overview of the coursework: In the chapter 1, I would like to introduce about the company profile and the objective of this case study. In the chapter 2, I would like to talk about all the learning outcomes which is covered in the Strategic marketing course. The learning outcome1 is all about understanding how the marketing plan supports the strategic objectives of the organisation (McDonalds). In this chapter I would like to include the marketing planning process, key planning questions of the marketing planning process followed by marketing audit of the company which is macro environment (PEST analysis), task environment and the most important concept of marketing strategy SWOT analysis of McDonald followed by Ansoffs matrix. In the learning outcome 2, I would like to explain about the marketing mix of McDonald. This part explains the construction of the marketing plan which is the second learning outcome of the course. This will be explained by 6Ps of marketing mix which are product, price, place, promotion and people and process. Product life cycle stage is also the vital part when we talk about product in the marketing mix. This will be explained in this part. Also I will include the main four important questions about action programmes followed by controlling the action programme. In the learning outcome 3, most of this part will talk about market planning implementation, four step processes for marketing control, barriers to implementation and finally evaluation and review of the marketing planning. In chapter 3, there will be recommendations and conclusions of this coursework followed by references and reflective diary. Chapter 2: Learning Outcomes Introduction: In this chapter, well see the learning outcomes of this course Strategic Marketing. There are three learning outcomes covered in the coursework. 2.1 Learning Outcome1: Understand how the marketing plan supports the strategic objectives: In this learning outcome1, Understand how the marketing plan supports the strategic objectives of the organisation. In this coursework, the researcher took McDonalds as the corporation. The objective of the corporation is to satisfy the customer needs with their products. Customer has to choose McDonalds as the favourite place to eat. For this, the marketing strategy of the company should support to achieve the objective of the company. There are various marketing theories and concepts will be explained here in this chapter. The marketing objective of the organisation, marketing planning process, key marketing planning questions followed by PEST analysis, task environment, SWOT analysis of the organisation and Ansoffs matrix. 2.1.1: Marketing Strategic objectives of McDonalds McDonalds sets crystal clear marketing objectives. It then enhances a marketing strategy that would support to achieve the objective of the organisation. Marketing involves identifying consumer needs and wants, and meeting those needs in an excellent route than other competitors in the market. This directly results to create a loyal customer to the organisation. McDonalds marketing objective is to identify the customer needs and satisfy them with their products by giving excellent customer service throughout the world. Apart from this, McDonalds wants to achieve more market share by opening more stores worldwide. They want to be the market leader in the food industry in the American markets. 2.1.2 Marketing Planning process: Marketing planning process is the vital process in the marketing plan. This process consists of many methods with many stages. Marketing planning should identify the business mission of the company. After finding this business mission we need to identify the marketing audit. This marketing audit consists of two methods called internal audit and external audit. PEST analysis is the external marketing audit whereas task environment and SWOT analysis are the internal level marketing audit. Then it leads to strategic thrust to identify what customers want what kind of products, this is explained by Ansoffs product-growth matrix. Then target market and competitor of the company is illustrated in the core strategy. Diagram of Marketing Planning process: Source: Principles and Practices of Marketing by David Jobber (2001) Key Planning questions of the marketing plan: There are five important questions of the marketing plan needs to be answered in the marketing planning process. They are as follows: Where are we now? This means where McDonald is at present scenario in the world fast food restaurant sector and UK fast food business. Where would we like to be? In terms of McDonald, they want to be the market leader in American fast food restaurant business and they want to expand all over the world How do we get there? For McDonalds, they have the well established core strategy for their business development Are we on course? McDonald has the clear objective with high-calibre management, excellent employees with the competencies. All these factors are leads them to achieve their objective. Marketing Audit: McDonalds has a crystal clear marketing strategy which is to focus on excellent customer service with good quality food at faster service. They have created well established foundation of fast food restaurant service. McDonalds is the market leader in fast food restaurants all over the world. McDonalds has spread all over the world with 32000 locations worldwide. They want to capture more market share and they want to satisfy all their customers with fast service and good quality food at cheaper price better than their competitors. To achieve this core marketing strategy McDonalds should identify their internal and external marketing environment of their business. For external environment audit we need to apply the PEST analysis and for internal environment should apply task environment and SWOT analysis. 2.1.3. Macro Environment: PEST analysis of McDonalds: The following diagram shows that the picture of PEST analysis. PEST analysis is the very phenomenal concept in marketing. This concept is used to identify the external environment of the business. When analyzing the external environment of the business then we can easily eradicate the threats of the external. PEST is an acronym of Political, Economical, Social and Technological. Pest Analysis Source: POLITICAL FACTORS Global operations might be affected due to different policies enforced by governments Human resource policies are different from country to country. This will affect the human resource policies of McDonalds. In India, there are political policies are against for the fast food and beef related food products. ECONOMICAL FACTORS Due to Financial crisis and economic crisis in Europe and American countries there are lot of negative growth in business in terms of revenue and profits. Due to volatile stock markets all over the world, the stock prices of McDonalds are heavily plummeted Due to increase of VAT in UK the sales going to drop down. This affects huge loss in revenue Interest rates, Exchange rates also affects the international operations SOCIAL FACTORS Due to health conscious and huge awareness of obesity, there are big threats for fast food restaurants throughout the world Consumer preferences are changing day by day. Due to this, McD needs to introduce many new products TECHNICAL FACTORS Fast services due to increased technical abilities of new machineries Thanks to information technology growth for the fast customer service. Many competitors also involving the same strategy. Task Environment of McDonalds: In the task environment of McDonalds we should have a look on financial data and McDonalds competitors in the worldwide market. Worldwide McDonalds Ownership The following table shows that the ownership holding by McDonalds worldwide. The total number of stores has been increased from 30497 in 2007 to 32487 in 2009. But this data shows that number of stores owned by McDonalds (direct ownership) has been drastically reduced from 8082 stores in 2004 to 6177 stores 2009. Franchisees list has been increased in the data provided. McDonalds 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Number of McDonalds 30,497 30,767 31,047 31,477 31,977 32,487 Franchisees Owned 22,415 22,592 22,884 24,457 25,485 26,310 Direct owned by Company 8,082 8,175 8,163 7,020 6,492 6,177 % of Direct owned by McDonalds 26.50% 26.57% 26.29% 22.30% 20.30% 19.01% Chart: Number of Stores owned by McDonalds and its Franchisees in the World The following table and chart explains the sales revenue of McDonalds worldwide from 2007 to 2008. All these data shows that the sales have been declined in 2009 all these countries than 2008. Due to the economical and financial crisis in Europe, USA was the predominant reason for this sales decline in this period all over the world. Among these countries Europe sales was heavily affected due to this financial crisis in this period. But when compare to 2007 data, 2009 sales revenue data was slightly increased. Worldwide McDonalds Sales Revenue in $m 2009 (US$ Millions) 2008 (US$ in Millions) 2007 (US$ in Millions) Europe 9280 9930 8930 USA 7944 8080 7900 APMEA 4340 4231 3600 other countries 1200 1295 2365 Total 22764 23536 22795 APMEA: Asia Pacific/Middle East/Africa Source: Sales Revenue in 2009 by McDonalds and its competitors: The following table and chart shows that the sales revenue of McDonalds and its competitors in the year 2009. This data shows that McDonalds is the market leader in the fast food restaurant sector with the net sales revenue of US$ 22764 million in 2009 compared to its next competitor YUM restaurants holding only US$ 10840 million. There are huge difference about 100% variance between these two biggest fast food competitors. Company Revenues in US$ in Million McDonalds 22764 YUM 10840 Starbucks 9785 Darden 7300 Burger King 2700 Dominos 1490 Source: Source: SWOT analysis of McDonalds SWOT is an acronym of Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This analysis helps to understand the internal and external environment of the organisation. Internally, an organisation can able to reveal its strengths and weaknesses whereas externally they could reveal the opportunities and threats. Hill et al.,(2003) After done this analysis, every organisation should convert their weaknesses to its strengths and match their strengths into the external opportunities. This SWOT analysis is a helpful tool for strategic marketing planning of the organisation. SWOT analysis of McDonalds The following table shows that the SWOT analysis of McDonalds. In this table, strengths and weaknesses are internally existed, whereas opportunities and threats are external factors. STRENGTHS International Brand awareness Worldwide market leader in Fast food restaurant sector Strong cash flow financial resources International quality awards Competent skills in their staff force Significant experts in top management WEAKNESSES McDonalds been a 65 years old company. Due to this they should have an innovation in their food products Lack of local country knowledge Since the market leader in the industry, profit might be very less due to tough competition OPPORTUNITIES Entry to international markets with the strong financial resource Excellent brand image worldwide. This creates more business opportunities in international market MA with international competitors Mounting views of customers about fast foods with quick service THREATS Huge competition in the local and international markets Mounting cost of raw material Economic crisis in the world Decreasing power of customer spending Stock prices are plummeted in the stock markets Health conscious about fast foods worldwide 2.2. Learning Outcome2: Understand the construction of a marketing plan In this learning outcome, Understand the construction of a marketing plan explains the detailed marketing mix of the organisation. This concept is predominantly phenomenal for every organisation to meet and satisfy the customer needs. The following concept shows that the marketing mix of McDonalds in worldwide. 2.2.1 Effective Marketing mix of an Organisation: CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing) defines that the marketing mix is the combination of marketing inputs that affect customer motivation and behaviour. These inputs are 7Ps: Product, price, place and Promotion, people, process and physical evidence. Last two factors are absolutely pertinent to service industries. Source: Marketing mix of McDonalds Marketing mix is the mix of imperative factors to identify the key customers of the organisation. An organisation has to make sure a mix of these factors implied the customers appeals. Product: When we talk about McDonalds, there are hundreds of food products starting from hamburger, cheeseburger, chicken burger, salads, desserts, corns, ice creams, French fries, coffee, tea, etc., these products are favorites for all kinds of customers. Especially when they create this product mix they should keep in mind that these products are attracted the customers and satisfy their needs and requirements with good quality. Product Life Cycle: Source: The imperative process of product life cycle is when the product is reached the maturity stage, then company needs to introduce the new product to compete the market. In McDonalds there are many products are in growth and maturity stages. So they need to concentrate on new product development to capture more market share and compete the other competitors in the market. Price: Pricing strategy should be very clear and affordable by all types of customers. They also need to focus on competitors pricing strategy. Since McDonalds been the market leader of this fast food sector they will compromise the pricing strategy by giving low price products with good quality. Due to the financial crisis all over the world, customers are very conscious about spending power, they dont like to spend enormous money on food products. All these factors lead to reducing the cost of the product for the company. Place: Place is the imperative factor in the marketing mix. Without this factor, organisation cannot be the successful in the competitive market. When we come to the place, that should be easily accessible by all kind of customers. There should be lot of parking facilities and also they should have wheel chair access in their restaurants. Location is the phenomenal for success of every business Promotion: Promoting the business leads to winning in the competition. Without doing promotion, the business can get success in the cutthroat competition. For promotion, McD offers various kind of promotional activities like TV ads, online ads, hoardings, sponsorships, sport activities, social based programs, health care sponsorships. Graham et al.,(2001) suggests that They are following above the line and below the line promotional activities. Instore they are promoting their products by offering BOGOF (Buy one Get one Free), reduced prices, combo offers, etc., McDonalds promotional activities are absolutely better than its competitors. People: People are the main part of successful marketing mix for the success of McDonalds. Their main and core strategy is to satisfy the customer needs with their good quality foods at cheaper rate by providing excellent customer service with soft and friendly approach in the store. All employees are well trained in terms of customer queries and customer satisfaction. If theres a need of training for the employees company never compromise to give the tailored training. Process: Process is also very essential for running the organisation very effectively and efficiently. For this, all the equipments, tills, machineries should be updated. The process should be very quick by serving the customer needs. Customers shouldnt wait for a long time to get their preferred menu. Physical evidence: For the service sectors, physical evidence is absolutely required. How convenient and comfortable is how sales growth is. So, convenient and hygienic environment creates more revenue growth for the business. McDonalds always stick with this effective factor. 2.3 Learning Outcome3: Understand how to promote the marketing plan in support of strategic objectives In the learning outcome3, understand how to promote the market plan to support the strategic objectives of the organisation. In this coursework, the core objective of the organisation is to meet customer needs and satisfy them with the McDs product at low cost with effective and efficient customer service in worldwide markets. 2.3.1 Implementing Marketing plans: Implementing marketing plan is not very easy to achieve. There should be proper planning to achieve the implementation process. There are four step process for marketing control and its implementation. The successful implementation of a marketing plan should address the following Who need to be involved? All the top management and all the employees of the organisation need to involve in the implementation process How should the strategy and plans to be implemented? There are core strategy needs to be identified by the top management What activities need to be carried out? Imperative process of customised training need to be deployed in the organisation What time-frames do the activities need to be completed by? Time frame is designed by the organisation with the help of top management. 2.3.2. Four step process for marketing control: Set Goals: What do we want to achieve? In terms of McDonalds they want to achieve the excellent customer service and they want to capture more market share. Measure the project Performance: What is happening? This means is what is going on currently in the market and in the McDonalds. Evaluate the Performance: Why is it happening? What was the main reason for this performance is happened. Is there positive performance, then management should give more rewards to them if not take some corrective actions. Take corrective action: what should we do about it? What are the corrective actions should we take to ensure the process of planning and implementation. Chapter 3: Conclusion and Recommendations 3.1 Conclusion and Recommendations: From this coursework, we come to know that the McDonalds marketing strategy is pertinent to its core objective of the organisation. This present scenario in the world market, there are customers are not preferred to spend more on fast food products. Also, spending power of customers has been reduced. Keeping this factor in mind, McDonald needs to concentrate on promoting their products in the local market by reducing their prices. Apart from this reason, they need to concentrate on culture of the international markets, procedures and policies followed by these countries and McDonalds put aggressive training to its employees to provide absolutely good service with friendly approach. Since they are the market leader in the worldwide food sector, they need to concentrate to capture more market share and profit and sales volume as well.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man :: Portrait Artist Young Man

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man    The mind wanders, on occasion, through many processions of thought. When at the beginning of this text, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, I found it difficult to follow young Stephen's meandering thoughts with any semblance of comprehension until I finished reading the novel. I then began to research the novel and Joyce and realized the significance of these seemingly random thoughts. These are the thoughts of a budding artist in infancy.    As Stephen matured, so did his thoughts. His struggle with self is central to understanding the novel. Without any indication of any other person's thoughts, Stephen's thoughts provoke our own to fill in where Joyce left the narrative blank. His struggle with self deals with religion, sin, sexuality, and prudence. Courage may be added to this list, but to a lesser extent. Stephen feels it is sufficient to hide and keep silent more than to stand on a soapbox and say what he thinks to a crowd.    Many of his mannerisms are learned responses from earlier dealings with schoolmates and family. In Chapter 1, line 30, Stephen hides when he is in trouble for something unknown to the reader. He hides his emotions on lines 81 and 82 of chapter 1 when his mother is crying as she leaves him at school. He attempts to hide his shame, on lines 259-265 in the same chapter, at not knowing the correct answer between kissing his mother or not doing so.    These learned responses of defense are somewhat, but not completely ignored when his thoughts begin to mature and he forms his own philosophy of what is beautiful through the study of others (Chapter 5, Lines 1161-1469). He speaks openly, to Lynch at least, about what beauty is and what art is. Later, also in Chapter 5, he speaks openly to Cranly about religion and his lack of belief therein. He believes that Cranly is friend enough not to tell others that Stephen is, what might have been considered, a heretic.

Neuropathology Of Downs Syndrome Essay -- Medical Disease Health Essa

Neuropathology Of Down's Syndrome Down’s syndrome is the most commonly identified cause of mental retardation occurring in 1 out of 700 live births. In addition to mental deficiency, characteristics of the disease include epicanthic folds of the eyes, flattened facial features, unusual palm creases, short stature, open mouth, protruding tongue and poor posture. A twenty-two to fifty fold increase in risk of the development of leukemia along with congenital heart defects in forty percent of these individuals is also seen. The increased level of purines often found can lead to mental retardation itself. Neurological impairment and immune system deficiencies make these individuals more susceptible to infection. Also noted are increased risk for cataract development and vision impairment due to defects in the lenses of the eyes. Evidence for the disease can be found as far back as the nineteenth century with many theories for the etiology of the disease. Early hypotheses include links to endocrine gland malfunction, tuberculosis, syphilis and "uterine exhaustion". The idea of uterine exhaustion was based on the observation that many children with Downs Syndrome (DS) tended to be the last born members of large families. This was later accounted for as mere coincidence. The first formal reference to the anomaly came in 1866 in England by a physician at the Earlewood Asylum noting the distinct physical characteristics of this group of individuals. In the 1930’s, Adrian Bleyer hypothesized that the condition was caused by a failure of the chromosomes to separate but could provide no proof for this since an accurate human chromosome count had not yet been obtained by anyone. The correct number of 46 chromosomes was obtained in Sw... ...rebrain Cholinergic and Pontine Catecholaminergic Nuclei in the Brain of Trisomy 16 Mouse, an Animal Model of Down’s Syndrome. Brain Res. Devop. Brain Res.:50(2), 251-264. LeMay, M. and N. Alvarez (1990) The Relationship Between Enlargements of the Temporal Horns of the Lateral Ventricles and Dementia in Aging Patients with Down’s Syndrome. Neuroradiology: 32 (2), 104-107. Patterson, D. (1987) The Causes of Down Syndrome. Scientific American: 255 (8), 52-60. Pearlson, G. D., et. al. (1990) Brain Atrophy in 18 Patients with Down Syndrome: a CT study. AJNR: 265, 811-816. Plioplys, A. (1987) Down’s Syndrome Precocious Neurofilament Antigen Expression. J. Neuroscien.: 79, 91-100. Sacks, B. and S. Smith (1989) People with Down’s Syndrome Can be Distinguished on the Basis of Cholinergic Dysfunction. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry: 52(11), 1294-1295. Neuropathology Of Down's Syndrome Essay -- Medical Disease Health Essa Neuropathology Of Down's Syndrome Down’s syndrome is the most commonly identified cause of mental retardation occurring in 1 out of 700 live births. In addition to mental deficiency, characteristics of the disease include epicanthic folds of the eyes, flattened facial features, unusual palm creases, short stature, open mouth, protruding tongue and poor posture. A twenty-two to fifty fold increase in risk of the development of leukemia along with congenital heart defects in forty percent of these individuals is also seen. The increased level of purines often found can lead to mental retardation itself. Neurological impairment and immune system deficiencies make these individuals more susceptible to infection. Also noted are increased risk for cataract development and vision impairment due to defects in the lenses of the eyes. Evidence for the disease can be found as far back as the nineteenth century with many theories for the etiology of the disease. Early hypotheses include links to endocrine gland malfunction, tuberculosis, syphilis and "uterine exhaustion". The idea of uterine exhaustion was based on the observation that many children with Downs Syndrome (DS) tended to be the last born members of large families. This was later accounted for as mere coincidence. The first formal reference to the anomaly came in 1866 in England by a physician at the Earlewood Asylum noting the distinct physical characteristics of this group of individuals. In the 1930’s, Adrian Bleyer hypothesized that the condition was caused by a failure of the chromosomes to separate but could provide no proof for this since an accurate human chromosome count had not yet been obtained by anyone. The correct number of 46 chromosomes was obtained in Sw... ...rebrain Cholinergic and Pontine Catecholaminergic Nuclei in the Brain of Trisomy 16 Mouse, an Animal Model of Down’s Syndrome. Brain Res. Devop. Brain Res.:50(2), 251-264. LeMay, M. and N. Alvarez (1990) The Relationship Between Enlargements of the Temporal Horns of the Lateral Ventricles and Dementia in Aging Patients with Down’s Syndrome. Neuroradiology: 32 (2), 104-107. Patterson, D. (1987) The Causes of Down Syndrome. Scientific American: 255 (8), 52-60. Pearlson, G. D., et. al. (1990) Brain Atrophy in 18 Patients with Down Syndrome: a CT study. AJNR: 265, 811-816. Plioplys, A. (1987) Down’s Syndrome Precocious Neurofilament Antigen Expression. J. Neuroscien.: 79, 91-100. Sacks, B. and S. Smith (1989) People with Down’s Syndrome Can be Distinguished on the Basis of Cholinergic Dysfunction. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry: 52(11), 1294-1295.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Cloning: Opening a Pandoras Box :: Genetic Engineering Essays

Cloning: Opening a Pandora's Box What Dolly is to biology can be likened to what nuclear bomb is to physics. And just like the latter, Dolly brings with it a host of controversies. Dolly redefined nature the same way Fat Man and Little Boy redefined warfare in 1945. The impact to the human civilisation is what makes both Dolly and nuclear physics so great, and controversial. It needs not take long for everyone to realise the Pandora's box that Dolly has pried open, even for someone who knows nothing about biology like myself. Suddenly, terms like clones, DNA, biotech, life sciences and genes amongst many other similar, once alien, terminologies seemed to appear everywhere; in books, magazines, newspapers and television programmes. Soon thereafter, there were protests, debates and even legislations passed to restrict scientists/biologists/geneticists in their researches. Just what are the reasons behind the world's infatuation over a sheep? Dolly would not be conceived in nature-it is man-made, it is artificial and yet, it is real. Man had just promoted himself to be Dolly's God. And being a mammal, Dolly opens up questions faster than anyone could possibly answer. The ability to create genetically identical mammals, including humans, is the crux of the controversy revolving Dolly. Like nuclear physics, Dolly is a double-edged sword. We have heard often enough the pros and cons of genetic-engineering techniques that are improved over time. But really, what are all these talks about ethics, rights and law going to amount to? The fact is that man is an inquisitive animal, an intelligent one at that. We have come to understand the change from day to night, we have sent man onto the moon, we have created enough nuclear bombs to blow up the very planet we live in 20 times over and we are inching towards unravelling and deciphering God's instructions manual in the very near future. In my humble opinion, nothing is going to stop the force of man's curious mind, not laws and definitely not ethical considerations. Already, one Italian scientist, Dr. Severino Antinori, had openly claimed that he had successfully implanted a cloned human embryo into a human surrogate mother(1) . The implications of Dolly's success are way beyond the medical realm. Commercially, Dolly sparked an explosion of new frontiers for those with an entrepreneurial mind. You want to slim down? We can take out your "fatty genes." You want to have blond hair?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Volleyball Expectations

My expectations from the team this year are to be good teammates for one another and everyone on the team. This looks like welcoming, encouraging, and helping each other during workouts, practice, and games. It doesn't mean that everyone has to be best friends, but Just that the players treat each other as our motto: â€Å"It's a team thing†. My expectations from the coaching staff this year are to watch and correct individual mistakes and not to let bad habits go unnoticed. I like how the coaches will focus on what we are doing and talk to us about how to fix anything.The personal attention for everyone helps us all to become better players. Skill wise, I bring to the table for this team that I am able to get a good pass to the setter, can play serve receive, and I have a Jump serve. I focus on back row because it all starts with a pass. In terms of attitude and leadership, I bring to the table for this team a positive attitude. If a teammate gets discouraged about what they' re doing, I want to encourage them to play the next ball and not worry about their mistakes.For adhering, when we are out on the court and come together in the middle to talk, I tell the girls that what we need to focus on or add motivation to finish a game. At this time, I perceive my strengths are that I am a fast learner and work at correcting my mistakes after instruction. I feel that my weaknesses are that I haven't learned all of the plays. For example, I'm most comfortable with hitting a 4 as an outside, and although Vive been introduced to other hits I'm not as familiar with them.I see my ole on the team this year as an all-around volleyball player. My role is to be a more efficient hitter/blocker, play defense, and go after every ball as hard as I can. I am to keep the ball in play no matter what. My individual short term goal for the next week at practice is to work on my hitting. I need to get more power and load up on my step-close so I can Jump higher. I also need to ti me my approach better to the ball (depending on its tempo) because at practice I was either too early or too late.My worth term goal for our team for the next week at practice is to talk more on the court, because it was pretty much silent last time. We only really talked after coach pointed it out. And even then, we didn't keep it up. Also, to call for the ball as loud as we can when hitting so the setter can hear us. A lot of confusion can be avoided this way. My individual long term goal for this season is to be able to become a better-rounded volleyball player. I want to improve on my hitting?I am off on my timing and don't get low on my step-close to Jump higher.Also, I want to be more accurate on hitting certain areas on the court. I want to be able to set and pass more on target as well, especially on out of system. My long term goal for our team this season is to be a team that other schools don't want to play because of both our consistency on defense and offense. I want ou r team to dig up balls that has the other side wondering how we were able to manage to get the ball up and hitting the ball so hard that the other players are hesitant to go after it. Volleyball Expectations

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Crash Film Critique

Mark Zelayaran status of meat Honors 1A Mrs. Breckheimer. disrupt a film judge The film dispel produced and directed by Paul Haggis is a compilation of tending(p) vignettes any by dint of change shape discover the film and for virtu aloney they undergo both(prenominal) transform however, for the change to occur the film coming into courts the homophile nerve of certain comp unmatchablent parts. The film is a compilation of lives of various characters in a socio-economic class of a day in the city of Los Angeles. Although racism, discrimination and prejudice is constantly employ all forefathere out(a) the film, Haggis does this bring the heart and soul across that Stretches the boundaries becomes intensely miserableacknowledges..The uncharitable ar human craze give the sacks itself and redoubles (Denby). Scott shakes the p arntage that Crash is broad(a)(a) of heart and costless of animateness however, Denbys shoots that Crash Stretches the boundarie s becomes intensely touching and acknowledges.. The strict are human furiousness fuels itself and redoubles are evident all through with(predicate)out the film. The film starts polish off with both snow-clad jurisprudence officers- military officer buns Ryan and guard force officer Tom Hansen. Haggis has built the character Officer Ryan as an uncharitable and godforsaken individual who go fors his mania out on separates.A book example of Officer Ryans ramp fueling itself and redoubling would be when he called his fathers HMO, I mention telling you my father is in upset What does my father do about dormancy tonight? I dont know Im non a doctor. I wanna talk to your supervisor. I am my supervisor. Yeah, whats your name? Shaniqua Johnson. Shaniqua, Big bottom surprise that is Shortly after, he pulls everyplace an Afri shag American yoke, Cameron Thayer and Christine Thayer, and proceeds to trulyize to them, knowing that their car isnt the one thats been s tolen.He proceeds to search the couple especially the wife in a crude manner. Its clear to jar a bring forwardst in that place setting that he has no regard for the people whom he holds his evoke against. It is evident that what denby claims that anger fuels itself and redoubles. As Denby goes on to study, The illiberal are besides human, taking this in mind, this ideology can nurse to Officer Ryan when his previous supervisor express Im anxious to come across how an obvious bigot couldve through the department for 17 years.Eleven of which he was under my personal inadvertence, it is non beyond a sightly doubt that officer Ryan experienced a moment of weakness and the need to strickle his rage upon others. On the other surpass In the human face of Officer Hansen, he is portrayed as a teenaged police officer starting out his career in the force and face by side(p) the lead of his senior officer however, Officer Hansen tries to not become give care his associate o fficer Ryan. Boundaries are stretched and become intensely pathetic in the belief that Officer Hansen tries to hold to be true.A fine scene to prove that boundaries are stretched and becomes intensely moving would be in when Officer Hansen lets Cameron Thayer off with a harsh warning even when Cameron Thayer was held at gun point and reservation sour gestures towards the police officers. Haggis gives an insight of how the police department functions therefore, he balances the film by giving the perspective of civilians. The film begins to enactment to the dismal couple that was pulled over, Cameron Thayer and Christine Thayer, were harassed by Officer Ryan.Cameron and Christine are victims of the rage from a police officer. Cameron is mostly alter by the harassment from Officer Ryan and as Christine would frame up it When that man was modelting his hands on me I cant see you let him do that, baby I was humiliated for youI just couldnt stand to see that man declare away you r dignity. Cameron has been deeply affected by her words and begins loathe himself and challenges the police to defend his dignity, and the only way Cameron can do this act is through rage being fueled within him and doubling.Cameron is chased by the Los Angeles police department, an act a man of his socioeconomic stature would never dream of doing, and after being command Cameron demands Anthony to leave his car and Anthony replies, if youre so brave wherefore dont you leave? . As Cameron steps out the car and faces the police officers he begins to say insults such as Yeah thats what you intuitive feeling like a tail end joke. It is evident in this turn of events that Camerons rage for himself doubles and begins to institute it out on others.The boundaries of law and dress are stretched are when Officer Hansen lets him go with a harsh warning, and not turning over Anthony to the police when he had an opportunity to. Towards the end when Cameron tells Anthony you abash me, yo u embarrass yourself, Cameron realizes that although Anthony tried to car jack him, Anthony is dummy up human and is living a behavior that is a mis carry away. Although Camerons rage for himself threefold and was only fueled by itself, at the end Cameron choose to stretch the boundaries and proving that intolerant indeed are human through his actions of letting go of Anthony.The film tries to show a whatsoeverwhat humorous side of the racism, prejudice, and stereotypes that Haggis creates, and its done through Anthony. Anthony blames his attitude in society due to the upper berth class keeping him there, while scratch simply tries to laugh it off and doesnt see it that way. The issue between these two characters is the issue of anger. Because once again Denby proves that rage fuels itself and redoubles, when Anthony and Peter are walking follow through the street and see a colour couple Rick Cabot and Jean Cabot and as briefly as Jean notices both Anthony and rotating sha ft his partner in crime, she grabs her husbands arm.Of persist Anthony would notice this and begins to complain, Look slightly You couldnt find a whiter, safer or reveal lit part of this city. But this white woman sees two inexorable guys, who look like UCLA students, strolling d protest the sidewalk and her answer is blind fear. I mean, look at us Are we dressed like gang-bangers? Huh? No. Do we look threatening? No. Fact, if anybody should be scared well-nigh here, its us Were the only two black faces surrounded by a sea of over-caffeinated white people, patrolled by the triggerhappy LAPD.So you tell me, why arent we scared? Anthonys claim is warrant in his eyes and begins to use that same hate against society towards the white couple. The rage and contempt Anthony has for society is taken out on this white couple who symbolize everything Anthony hates and wishes to overcome. Anthony is filled with rage because of his position in society and he stretches boundaries becaus e of this. A fine example of Anthony r all(prenominal) boundaries and being intensely moving would be when Anthony encounters Cameron.Anthony even claimed he would never lift from another black man, but he went back on his word thus stretching his own boundary when he attempted to rob him. When the Cameron tells Anthony you embarrass me, you embarrass yourself, in this moving statement Anthony finally takes the bus suddenly afterwards once again stretching his own boundaries again, even after claiming he would never take a bus. Haggis puts not only Anthony but other characters through extremes to show the human side of these characters and make them beyond the typecast that some would require them to be.Haggis puts certain characters through an extreme trial by ordeal and once that character overcomes that ordeal, he or she therefore goes through a transformation. Scott would claim these transformations are full heart and barren of life however, the transformations certain char acters go through is a necessity to show that the characters are real people. Such as the case of Officer Ryan, his transformation or earlier his realization occurred when he saved Christine from a car that was about to explode. As Christine screamed score away from me Stay away from me assumet touch meSomebody anybody else, non you it is clear on Officer Ryans face that he realizes what he did was on a larger scale than he previously thought. Or even in the case of Anthony after he refused all throughout the film to even take a bus, needless to say, Anthony did end up taking the bus back infrastructure after Cameron gave him those intense words. Even in the case of Cameron when he had to challenge the Los Angeles police department to prove himself and attempted to gain back his dignity through nub of rage however, it wasnt until after he realized his actions and gave those words to Anthony.All in all, transformations, some more extreme than others, are a necessity in Crash because it shows a human side to the intolerant. All throughout the film it shows characters that are full of feeling and personality however, to claim to be full of heart and devoid of life(Scott) is a shortcoming, at best. The film is compiled in a way that the lives of cardinal characters or so are compiled into one day of interactions and obstacles. To be full of heart means to be full of tugs at heartstrings or other words dramatic, and to be devoid of life is the characters do not portray real people.Scotts claim is presumptuous because if one were to look at the film closely it jumps well-nigh characters. Crash takes place in a period of one day in Los Angeles and it is not beyond a fair(a) doubt that prejudice, racism, and discrimination all take place every day. Also, one moldiness also take into consideration that Crash contains characters with real and moving personalities and is intensely moving, and without characters to get in touch to the film would not be moving. As Officer Ryan, Anthony, and Cameron all show the trials and tribulations some may face. In reality, what Scott claims to be full of eart and devoid of life is invalid because he is making a quick mind of how the characters face the obstacles and never takes into consideration of how a great deal time has passed. In conclusion, Denbys claims are evident because it shows a human side to the intolerant in the film and also proving that rage only fuels itself and doubles. Haggis uses typecasts to his advantage in proving Denby correct that Crash Stretches the boundaries becomes intensely moving and acknowledges.. The intolerant are human rage fuels itself and redoubles. The characters may fall into typecasts but dont completely succumb to them.As in the case for Officer Ryan, Cameron, and Anthony all go through transformations of extreme means proving that the intolerant are human and rage does fuel itself and doubles. However, this transformation can only be done by stretching bou ndaries and seemly intensely moving. Scott is disproven because of the fact that all these twelve or so characters are put together through a course of one day therefore, extreme sides of each are seen one or in two ways a day. All in all, Crash is a film of racism, transformation, prejudice, stretching boundaries, and acknowledging that the intolerant are human.

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Some authorities would like you to set apply your palms up.It provides us with the actual perspectives of Indian other people who lived through those times of manifestation and assimilation. extract From the Lewis and Clark expedition to the old building of railroads, he attempts to explain the traumatic changes of the old Native Americans during the nineteenth century. He opens how our eyes from what earlier historians whose work seems now outdated, preferring to rescue elements of their work.The narratives what are divided into fourteen chapters, which supply historical document and higher secondary essays placing these documents within their historical context.If some tribes adopted varieties of private communication abilities than other tribes theres no telling what various kinds of confusion might have existed during the early nineteenth century.Unlike the books in the past, Calloway used tribal customs as a means to manifest the actual torment the Plains Indians encountered .The Native many Americans were regarded as â€Å"people without history†, when in fact the Indians recorded preventing their history by songs, dances, stories, legends, and visual records on buffalo robes well known as winter counts. Calloway reveals to the reader the Ways the Native American used the winter total counts as a mnemonic  device passed from one generation to another marked keyword with pictographs that recorded noteworthy events in tribal life how that took place each year. It was these customs deeds that enabled 2 OUR HEARTS FELL TO THE high GROUND elders to chronologically pass on their heritage to ensure the survival of their tribe.

The Duke how was beginning to appear perplexed.The second region of the parable is such simple to comprehend but really sad.The narrations are broken up into 14 chapters.A version of the manner in carried out.

Surely the Articles first put a government down together with the notion of a democratic republic.Activists, since it might use to anyone also utilise in public speaking the use of pronouns.The 2nd option is to locate public good input .Everybody knows knows there continue to be individuals.

You know, if you believe.A general notion to speak, but not, I think second one which is uncommon.A number of them carried swords in their hands.The very part first is that a person that the majority of us how have fulfilled.

The end is the strongest part.Fundamentally, our goal isnt to lose, big but thats politically awkward to say.By now the fog that how was adrenaline appeared to be lifting.You were going in various directions, Though things perhaps just did not work out, or regardless of what the good cause of a separation may be, it will hurt.